

Tremor is a trio from Buenos Aires, Argentina, that combines rhythms and sound across genre borders, fitting component parts of varying tradition together in eloquent symmetry. The artist breaks sound barriers across South America and presents their digital folklore tracks to a new, global audience.

The band researches folklore traditions by region and bridges generations, geography and genre to produce his signature style. Their sound is equal parts electronic music and native drum and owes as much to anthropology as it does to popular music.

Tremor executes folklore melody through a digital context. Layers of rhythm are fortified with modern synth loops and paired with timeless Andean flute, strings and drum samples for evocative hybrids. Leaded by Leonardo Martinelli (composer and producer), the band is completed by Camillo Carbajal (bombo leguero) and Gerardo Farez (synthesizers, melodica and bombo leguero).

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