We started “A NEW YORK MINUTE” with a fiery afro-funk feel featuring MC’s Sadat X (Brand Nubian), The Real Live Show, iLLspokinN & Rabbi Darkside.
Then we went over to Beirut & hooked up with MC’s Ed Abbas, iVoice, Malikah & Ramcees for “A BEIRUT MINUTE”
We flew over to Tokyo for “A TOKYO MINUTE” featuring MC’s Shinpeita, Simon Jap, Pony & D.D.S the Suke (video & rough translation coming SOON!)
We’re recorded & mixed “A DUBAI MINUTE” with MC”s Toofless, Jibberish, Ed Hooligan & Eslam giving an inside take of the big city from it’s locals.
Up next is, “A SAN JUAN MINUTE” which features MC’s E A FLOW, NEBULA, VELCRO & IKOLSANTIAGO. This song features the music of The Bronx River Parkway (Truth & Soul) with a Nickodemus Edit & Mix. It also features artist Jose Parla on the intro laying out the theme of not only “A San Juan Minute” but also of what seems to be a reoccurring theme city to city. Here’s the intro, song & video for “A SAN JUAN MINUTE”
Esto es una introducción de una utopia, de una sociedad de gente, que están cansados de la misma mierda que nos tiran los gobiernos, un sistema que nos tiene amarra’o. Nosotros somos artistas, poetas, cantantes, músicos… y tenemos nuestra propia sociedad que viaja el planeta entero…de Nueva York a San Juan, a Miami a Japón,
a Europa, África, Brasil, donde sea…por que nosotros tenemos nuestra propia conectividad.
INTRO: Here is an introduction of a utopia, of a society that is tired of
the same shit the government keeps throwing at us, a system that ties us down. We are artists, poets, MCs, musicians, and we have our own society that travels all over the world….
from NY to San Juan, to Miami and Japan, to Europe, Africa, Brazil….
wherever, because we have our own connection.